Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.7.0 Released

Aspose.Words for SSRS iconWe have published a new release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services that includes a number of fixes for issues reported by our customers and many improvements. You can download the latest releases of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services from the following link:

Bug Fixes and Changes

Below are some of the fixes specific to Aspose.Words for Reporting Services.

  • WORDSRPT-143 (Setting a hidden expression on the row groups hides ALL detail)
  • WORDSRPT-204 (Tablix body does not render in output Doc/Docx)
  • WORDSRPT-219 (An extra row is added to the table when exporting the report to docx)
  • WORDSRPT-224 (The width of first column of table is increased in output Doc/Docx)
  • WORDSRPT-225 (Text box does not grow when using Positioned document layout). New config option FitShapeToText is introduced.
  • WORDSRPT-226 (Table’s rows are missing in output Doc/Docx)
  • WORDSRPT-227 (Extra row appears in output Doc/Docx)

You can also find these bug fixes and improvements in the download page link above.