Generate Word Document by One-Click in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Aspose .NET OneClick Word Document Generator is an open source add-on used to generate and export documents from CRM. You can design template in word and attach in CRM and generate document as you want. You can use OneClick Word Document Generator with Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity and Quote Entity. It provides option to Attach the generated document with the record itself and you can download the document as well. This add-on can also resolve option set and look-up fields. In addition it allows you to save the document in multiple formats like DOC, DOCX, BMP, HTML, JPEG, PDF, PNG, RTF and TXT. Aspose .NET OneClick Word Document Generator can be used with CRM on-premises and CRM Online.

Features in this Release

The release of this add-on supports the following features:

  • Create Template inside word and attach in CRM. (use merge field feature of word where you want to include CRM data)
  • Allow you to add Optionset as well as lookups.
  • Works with Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity and Quote.
  • One click button that can Generate document.
  • Generated documents can be downloaded as well as attached with the same entity record.
  • A ribbon button is also provided to choose the template and generate document.
  • Allows you to save the document in multiple formats like DOC, DOCX, BMP, HTML, JPEG, PDF, PNG, RTF and TXT.

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing, configuring and using these development templates.


Please check this video to see it in action.

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Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose file format APIs.

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