Linking a Task to a Sub-Project supported with Aspose.Tasks for .NET 9.0.1

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspsoe.Tasks for .NET 9.0.1. This month’s release includes enhancement of linking a task to a subproject. It also fixes a number of bugs that improve the API functionality. A complete list of public API changes in this month’s release can be viewed by visiting our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 9.0.1.


Linking Task to Sub-Project: Aspose.Tasks API supported reading sub-project information linked to a task. However, support for adding/linking sub-project to a task was not available. This month’s release enhances the functionality of working with sub-projects. It now provides the capability to link a task to include a sub-project. This can be achieved using the Tsk.SubprojectName key with Task.Set method.

Reading all Project UIDs from Primavera XML File: A Primavera XML file may contain multiple projects, where each project in the file has its own unique identifier (UID). This month’s release includes the capability to read all project UIDs from such Primavera XML file. This provides help in reading specific project from multiple projects contained in the Primavera XML file.

Other Improvements

This month’s release also includes a number of bug fixes. These further improve the overall API functionality. These include:

  • Exceptions while adding zero duration resource assignment
  • Loss of Calendar exceptions while saving MPP files
  • Issues with Wrong Assignment Baselien Work and Timephased data
  • Issues with extracting duration from Timephased data

API Resources

You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.

  • Product Documentation – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
  • API Reference Guide – Detailed information about the API namespaces and classes
  • Aspose.Tasks Forum – Our online support forum where we address your queries and inquiries