Aspose .NET Export ListView To Word Control for Visual Studio

Aspose Export ListView To Word Control is an ASP.NET server control which allows exporting contents of ListView into Word Processing document using Aspose.Words. It adds Export to Word button on top of the ListView control. Clicking the button dynamically exports the content of the ListView control to a Word Processing document and then automatically downloads the exported file to the disk location selected by the user in just couple of seconds.

This initial version of the control provides the following features:

  • Get an offline copy of your favorite online ListView content for editing, sharing and printing in your desired Word processing document.
  • Inherited from default ASP.NET ListView control and hence have all its features and properties.
  • Export ListView To Doc, Dot, Docx, Docm, Dotx, Dotm, Rtf, Odt, Ott and Txt formats.
  • Works with all .NET versions starting from .NET 3.5.
  • Ability to customize/localize Export button text.
  • Option to Export in Landscape mode in case ListView content is wider and does not fit in default Portrait mode.
  • Apply look and feel of your own theme on Export button using css.
  • Option to add custom heading on top of the exported document.
  • Option to save each exported document on server at configurable disk path.
  • Option to export current page or all pages when paging is enabled using DataPager.
  • Option to limit maximum exportable records while exporting all data in ListView.

Download, Installation, and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing, configuring and using Export ListView To Word Control.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose file format APIs.

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