Project Data Export to HTML and Improved Data Reading from Microsoft Project Database Server supported with Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.8.1


We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.8.1. This month’s release includes improvements that further enhance the overall API functionality. This month’s release has the capability to read additional project data fields from Microsoft Project Server. It also fixes a number of bugs related to various functional areas of the API. To have an idea about what is new and fixed, please visit our product download page.


Import/Export of Project Data for HTML Editors: Aspose.Tasks API already had the feature of exporting project data to HTML format. This month’s release further enhances the capability to export individual project data elements to html format for working with HTML editors/viewers such as Groupdocs. Readers and writers have been implemented for the following project data types:

  • Project properties
  • Tasks
  • Resources and Resource Assignments
  • Project data masks and saving options
  • Project extended attributes
  • Html baselines
  • Project calendars
  • Calendar exceptions

We are further adding other project data attributes to this list and our next version of the API will include these.

Importing Data from MS Project Database: Aspose.Tasks supports importing project data from Microsoft Project Database Server. This month’s release further enhances this feature by providing the capability to read task’s extended attributes and extended attribute definitions. This gives more strength to the data reading capabilities from project databases. More Info

Other Improvements

This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs related to various functional areas of the API. These include exceptions as well while reading specific project data files. Some of these fixes include:

  • Issues related to Primavera file formats such as duplication of hyperlinks in Task notes, failure in saving loaded project file, and exceptions while loading specific files
  • Calculation issues such as wrong remaining work display in MSP, invalid dates on link types and wrong working days
  • Unable to read summary task’s data from Primavera Database correctly

API Resources

You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.

  • Product Documentation – Detailed API documentation with code examples and details about API functional areas
  • API Reference Guide – Detailed information about the API namespaces and classes
  • Aspose.Tasks Forum – Our online support forum where we address your queries and inquiries