Aspose.Tasks Java For Ruby Examples – Dealing Microsoft Project Document using Powerful Java API

Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java is a project management API that enables Java application developers to provide Microsoft Project® document manipulation capability in their applications – all without using Microsoft Project®. With this powerful API, developers can control various stages of project management, such as project planning, definition and tracking.

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby”, a new gem for Ruby developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Ruby developers who want to utilize “Aspose.Tasks for Java” in their Ruby applications using Rjb – Ruby Java Bridge gem to deal with Microsoft Project documents.

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing and using Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby gem.


You can downloaded latest version from:

Quick Start Tutorial

You can use example code to get project version.

require File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/lib/asposetasksjava'
include Asposetasksjava
include Asposetasksjava::ProjectVersion


Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby Examples

This initial version of the gem provides the following examples:

Working with Projects

  • Creating an Empty Project File
  • Determining Project Version
  • General Project Properties
  • Default Project Properties
  • Fiscal Year Properties
  • Weekday Properties
  • Currency Properties
  • Setting Attributes for New Tasks
  • Verifying Project Structure
  • Saving a Project as PDF
  • Get Number of Pages in Project
  • Microsoft Project MPP File Update
  • Saving Project Data to Excel Format
  • Saving Project Data to CSV and Text Formats
  • Working with Filter Data from MPP files
  • Reading Group Definition Data
  • Reading Table Data from MPP files

Working with Calendars

  • Creating a Calendar
  • Making a Standard Calendar
  • General Calendar Properties
  • Defining Weekdays for Calendar

Working with Calendar Exceptions

  • Retrieving Calendar Exceptions
  • Adding Calendar Exceptions
  • Removing Calendar Exceptions
  • Defining Weekdays for Exceptions
  • Handling Occurrences for Exceptions

Working with Tasks

  • General Properties
  • Actual Properties
  • Managing Durations
  • Handling Critical and Effort-driven Tasks
  • Outline Properties
  • Handling Priorities
  • Stop and Resume a Task
  • WBS Associated with a Task
  • Managing Task Costs
  • Parent and Child Tasks
  • Split Tasks
  • Percentage Complete Calculations
  • Calculate Task Duration in Different Units
  • Read a Task’s Timephased Data
  • Change Progress of a Task
  • Retrieve a Task’s Budget Work and Cost Values
  • Rendering Task Usage View
  • Rendering Task Sheet View

Working with Task Links

  • Creating a Task Link
  • Defining Link Type
  • Predecessor and Successor Tasks
  • Writing Updated TaskLink Data to MPP

Working with Task Baselines

  • Creating a Task Baseline
  • Task Baseline Duration
  • Baseline Task Scheduling

Working with Resources

  • Setting Resource Properties
  • Resource Cost
  • Extended Resource Attributes
  • Read Timephased Data of a Resource
  • Rendering Resource Usage and Resource Sheet View

Working with Resource Assignments

  • Creating Resource Assignments
  • General Resource Assignment Properties
  • Managing Assignment Cost
  • Assignment Budget
  • Handling Overtime, Remaining Costs and Work
  • Calculating Percentages
  • Dealing Variances
  • Stop or Resume an Assignment

Working with Currencies

  • Managing Currency Codes
  • Managing Currency Digits
  • Managing Currency Symbols

Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby Documentation

Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby Documentation is available to guide developers to get familiar with the specific resources and operations within the Aspose.Tasks Java for Ruby.

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