Aspose.Email for Java 5.7.0 supports IMAP IDLE Command and Creating Messages from HTML Content

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 5.7.0. This month’s release includes enhancements and functional improvements as a result of a number of bug fixes. For a complete list of API Changes, please refer to our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Email for Java 5.7.0. In order to get information about what is new and fixed, please visit our Product download page.


Creating Email Message from HTML files: This month’s release brings more flexibility in creating email messages from other formats. The MailMessage class now provides the capability to create a message from HTML file alongwith specifying other resources such as the images in an html file. The HtmlLoadOptions class can be used to specify the path to the html resources on disc. This feature provides the API with powerful capability of creating message files from template html files with pre-formatted contents. More Info

Support for Adding Headers to EWS Requests:The EWSClient component of the API now provides the capability to add Https headers to the EWS client for the requests sent out. This can be used to add multi-purpose headers to EWS requests. One such example is adding X-AnchorMailbox header whichcan be used to manage the throttling issues on Exchange server.More Info

Support for IMAP Idle Command:This month’s release brings another enhancement to the API’s IMAP client. This feature provides support for the IMAP protocol’s IDLE command that enables users to be automatically notified about incoming messages rather than polling for new messages. More Info

Other Improvements

This month’s release also includes a number of functional improvements as a result of API bug fixes. These include:

  • Missing emails from generated PST
  • Setting information of MapiContact
  • Issues with loading Aspose generated messages in 3rd party software
  • Conversion of email messages to XPS
  • Problem with adding meeting requests to PST folder

If you have any query or inquiry related to the API functionality, please feel free to write to us over Aspose.Email forum. We’ll be glad to hear to your words and assist you.