Monthly Archives: August 2015

Render MS Excel Worksheet to Graphics Context using C#

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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.5.2 has been released. This release contains some useful features and other enhancements along with important bug fixes. If you are planning to upgrade the Aspose.Cells for .NET API to the latest revision, we would strongly suggest you to check the complete Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the API so far. We have provided a few important features in this month’s release.

Render Worksheet to Graphics Context in C#

Aspose.Cells for … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Convert PDF to PDF/A-3a, Create PDF/A_3a and Attach XML to PDF in Java

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In every new release, we closely analyze our customers’ requirements and focus even towards minor details, so that we come up with features which produce remarkable outputs and bring ease to their life by eliminating the hassle of writing huge lines of code. All this can be accomplished using a single API instead of numerous components/softwares. Empowering the API with new rich features and enhancements, a new release of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.6.0 has been published. This version contains some … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz | Tagged , , , , ,

Support of SQL Server Express Advance 2008 R2 and UPCA Encoding using Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services

Aspose.BarCode for SSRS iconWe’re pleased to announce the new release version 7.2.0 of Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services. We have added support of Microsoft SQL Server Express Advance 2008 R2. Our Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services APIs now work perfect with it. There is no special configuration. We have already documented some help topics as follows: Install with MSI Installer, Install Manually and Visual Studio Configuration.

In addition to this, we have enhanced UPCA barcode encoding. It covers digit cut off problem and maintain proper … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Generate Barcode with Code128 Encoding with FNC 3 Character using Java

Aspose.BarCode for Java logo

We are pleased to announce the new release version of Aspose.BarCode for Java 7.1.0. This minor release only covers two fixes. In the first case, our client was not able to encode Code128 barcode with FNC 3 character. It was the problem only with Aspose Java platform library.  The second case is about the color index which was out of the range at specific byte. This problem occurred when our client was generating QR code in the GIF file format.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

UPCA Encoding and QR, DataMatrix, Postnet and Aztec Reading Improvements using Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.2.0

We’re pleased to announce the new release version 7.2.0 of the Aspose.BarCode for .NET APIs. This release covers barcode encoding and decoding improvements based on the client feedbacks and to accomplish their scenarios. In reference of some scenarios, the client was not able to align code text along with UPCA bars, rightmost character was cut off, the incorrect code text font and multiple recognition of a single DataMatrix code. This release also strengthens QR, DataMatrix, Postnet and … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

PDF to HTML conversion feature is supported in Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint 2.1.0

We are pleased to announce that Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint 2.1.0 has been released.  This release has an exciting new feature, PDF to HTML conversion. Now you can convert a PDF document from documents library to HTML format with ease of clicks. Please follow documentation link for the PDF to HTML conversion details.

Please visit the following link to download the latest version of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint v2.1.0

Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Tilal Ahmad |

More Aspose.Cells for Java Features Missing in Xlsx4j – Examples dealing Workbooks and Spreadsheets

Project Aspose Java for Docx4j shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose Java APIs in comparison with Docx4j. Aspose Java for Docx4j also covers the features that are only available in Aspose Java API but not in Docx4j.

This new release, Aspose.Cells Features Missing in Xlsx4j – Release v 1.3, shows a number of new open source code examples showing features that are available only in Aspose.Cells for Java API but absent in Xlsx4j API of project … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Aspose.Barcode Java For Ruby Examples – Quickly deal with Barcode Generation and Recognition

Aspose.BarCode for Java

Aspose.BarCode for Java is a robust and reliable barcode generation and recognition component, written in Java, it allows developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their Java applications.

Aspose.BarCode for Java supports the Java SE, Java EE and Java ME platforms.


We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Barcode Java for Ruby”, a new gem for Ruby developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Ruby developers who want to … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family |

Export/Import Data from Excel in Dynamics CRM

The Aspose .NET Update Export Tool is an open-source tool to be used with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This tool is used when sometimes it is harder to create/update data in records directly in CRM. It can save effort in terms of time and money. Simply, export the data from any entity and any field on your desktop in Excel, and you can easily handle or update the data in excel. Once data is updated, import it back to CRM from … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Code Examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET Comparison with NPOI HSSF and XSSF

Project Aspose.Cells for NPOI (HSSF and XSSF) shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Cells .NET APIs in comparison with NPOI. This project is helpful for developers who want to compare NPOI with Aspose.Cells OR migrate from NPOI to Aspose.Cells.

What’s New

This initial release of the project have the following comparison examples

  • Create New Workbook
  • Add Data in Cells
  • Set Print Area
  • Getting Cell Contents
  • New Line in Cells
  • Insert Hyperlinks in Worksheet

Download Latest Examples

Please check … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |