Risk Analysis on Project Data supported with Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.7.0

After the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET, we are now pleased to share the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.7.0. It includes the same new features, enhancements and bug fixes as were part of its equivalent .NET version. Out documentation section, Public API changes in Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.7.0 lists all the changes that are part of this month’s release. You can also reach us for your queries and inquiries via Aspose.Tasks forum.

New Features & Enhancements

Importing Project Data from Microsoft Project Database: This month’s release provides the capability to retrieve Project data from Microsoft Project Database. The MspDbSettings and SqlConnectionStringBuilder classes can be used to accomplish this purpose. More Info

Support for MSP 2016 File Format: Microsoft Project 2016 preview version has already been released. We are pleased to share that Apose.Tasks API supports this new version MPP format as it is based on the 2013 file format.

Support for Risk Analysis: Aspose.Tasks API now supports performing risk analysis on a Project data file. Based on the Monte Carlo simulation, that supports different probability distributions and correlations, the functionality has been provided via the RiskAnalyzer class. The whole process consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing Analysis Settings
  • Identifying the Input of Analysis
  • Analyzing the Risks
  • Using the Results of the Analysis

API Functional Improvements

We have also fixed a number of bugs, resulting in further improvement in API functionality. These include exceptions while saving project with Gantt Chart View, rendering project data to PDF and loading certain MPX files.