Aspose.Slides Java For Ruby Examples – Dealing with Presentation documents using Powerful Java API

Aspose.Slides for Java

Aspose.Slides for Java is a unique PowerPoint management component that enables Java based applications to read, write and manipulate PowerPoint documents without using Microsoft PowerPoint.

One can generate, modify, copy, convert, render and print presentations without installing Microsoft PowerPoint.

Aspose.Slides for Java supports presentation file formats including PPT, PPS, POT, PresentationML (OOXML, PPTX) and Open Document Presentations (ODP).

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby”, a new gem for Ruby developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Ruby developers who want to utilize “Aspose.Slides for Java” in their Ruby applications using Rjb – Ruby Java Bridge gem to deal with Presentation documents.

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing and using Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby gem.


You can downloaded latest version from:

Quick Start Tutorial

require File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/lib/asposeslidesjava'
include Asposeslidesjava
include Asposeslidesjava::HelloWorld


Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby Examples

This initial version of the gem provides the following examples:

Working With Presenation

  • Opening a Presentation
  • Saving a Presentation
  • Managing Presentation Properties
  • Converting PPT to PPTX
  • Accessing OpenDocument Presentation
  • Converting Presentation to PDF
  • Converting Presentation to TIFF
  • Converting Presentation to XPS
  • Converting Presentation to HTML
  • Converting Presentation with Notes
  • Setting Default Zoom Value for Presentation

Working With Slides

  • Adding Slides to Presentation
  • Accessing Slides of a Presentation
  • Removing Slides from a Presentation
  • Cloning Slides in Presentation
  • Changing the Position of a Slide
  • Setting the Background Color to Slides
  • Setting the Image as Background to Slides
  • Creating Slides Thumbnail Image
  • Managing Slides Transitions
  • Creating Slides SVG Image
  • Managing the Hyperlinks in Presentation
  • Working With Slide Size and Layout

Working With Shapes

  • Adding Line Shape to Slide
  • Finding a Shape in a Slide
  • Formatting Lines of the Shapes
  • Filling Shapes with Pattern
  • Filling Shapes with Picture
  • Filling Shapes with Solid Color
  • Rotating Shapes
  • Adding Picture Frame to Slide
  • Adding Audio Frame to Slide
  • Adding Video Frame to Slide
  • Working with OLE Object Frames
  • Adding Ellipse Shape to Slide
  • Adding Rectangle Shape to Slide
  • Adding an Embedded Video Frame to Slide
  • Creating Shape Thumbnails
  • Working with Group Shapes
  • Cloning Shapes in Slides
  • Managing Shape Properties
  • Connecting shapes using Connectors

Working With Charts

  • Creating a Chart from Scratch
  • Updating an Existing Chart
  • Setting Pie Chart Sector Colors
  • Formatting Chart Entities
  • Adding Chart Trend Lines
  • Adding Error Bars for Charts
  • Adding Chart Series Overlap for Charts
  • Managing Different Properties of Charts
  • Setting the Label Distance From Category Axis
  • Setting Custom Location and Size for Chart Legend

Working With Tables

  • Creating a Table from Scratch in Slide
  • Removing Row Or Column in Table
  • Adding an Image in Table Cell
  • Cloning Row or Column in table
  • Vertically align the text in table cell

Working With Text

  • Replacing Text in a Placeholder
  • Creating a TextBox on Slide
  • Creating TextBox with Hyperlink
  • Applying Shadow Effects on Slide Text
  • Managing Paragraphs Alignment
  • Managing Font Related Properties
  • Managing Font Family of Text
  • Managing Multiple Paragraphs having Multiple Portions
  • Managing Paragraph Bullets in PPTX
  • Importing HTML Text in Presentation
  • Exporting Text to HTML
  • Managing Paragraph Indent
  • Managing Fonts inside Presentation
  • Managing Text Autofit and Rotation
  • Managing Line Spacing of the paragraph
  • Managing WordArt Properties
  • Using Default Fonts for Rendering Presentation

Working With SmartArt

  • Adding SmartArt shape
  • Setting Fill Format for SmartArt Node

Working With ActiveX Controls

  • Adding Media Player ActiveX Controls in Slide

Working With VAB Macros

  • Removing VBA Macros in Presentation

Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby Documentation

Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby Documentation is available to guide developers to get familiar with the specific resources and operations within the Aspose.Slides Java for Ruby.

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