Export HTML and Grid Table Data – Work with Word (DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF) within Struts

We are pleased to announce the release (v1.0) of Aspose.Words Java for Struts 1.3. Which demonstrates the Aspose.Words for Java API powerful document manipulation/creation features within Struts 1.3 MVC framework and Maven environments.

The project is a simple bookstore web application and displays list of books in HTML table grid. Project uses Aspose.Words for Java API to export the grid data to word document format.

Important Features

  • The project uses maven project model and configures Aspose Cloud Maven Repository for retrieving Aspose.Words for Java Maven dependency.
  • The Project uses Aspose.Words for Java API to create word document, format it and write data to it.
  • You can easily start developing web application using Aspose.Words for Java API within your favorite Struts 1.3 MVC Web framework by looking at the code.

Download, Installation and Usage

The source code of this example project is freely hosted on popular social coding sites GitHub and Codeplex.

You can also download the pre-compiled .war file from the latest releases from the above social coding sites.

Furthermore, the complete documentation wiki of the project is located @ confluence, here.

Please also check the following wiki links:

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