Announcing Aspose.Words Java For PHP

Aspose.Words for Java

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Words Java for PHP”, a new project for PHP developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for php developers who want to utilise “Aspose.Words for Java” in their PHP Projects using PHP/Java Bridge.

The source code of these examples is freely hosted on popular social coding site GitHub.

This initial release contains examples of features that are available in Aspose.Words for Java APIs.


Quick Start

  • Append Documents.
  • Apply License
  • Find And Replace
  • Hello World
  • Load And Save To Disk
  • Load And Save To Stream
  • Simple Mail Merge
  • Update Fields
  • Working With Nodes

Programming With Documents

  • Joining And Appending
  • Working With Book Marks
    • Copy Bookmarked Text
    • Untangle Row Bookmarks
  • Working With Comments
  • Working With Document
    • Extract Content
    • Remove Breaks
  • Working With Fields
    • Insert Nested Fields
    • Remove Field
    • Replace Fields With Static Text
  • Working With Images
    • Add Watermark
    • Compress Images
  • Working With Styles
  • Working With Tables

Mail Merge And Reporting

  • Mail Merge Form Fields

Loading And Saving

  • Check Format

There is much more yet to come and many more examples with documentation are available at Aspose Docs. Keep visiting us.

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Customer Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to provide feedback and raise feature requirements. We are keen to implement customer driven features since we are a 100% customer driven company.