Export Liferay CMS Contents to Documents, Spreadsheets and PDF

Aspose.Total for Liferay

Aspose released a plugin for Liferay Portal / CMS that uses Aspose.Total for Java APIs (Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells and Aspose.PDF for Java) for converting web-contents, blogs and Dynamic Data Lists to MS-Word, MS-Excel and PDF formats on the portal.

The plugin is available free of cost for download from the Liferay marketplace – plugin URL located within the utility plugins category. The source code of the plugin is also available on popular social coding sites: CodePlex and GitHub.

With this plugin from Aspose, easily convert and export blogs or web content to documents like MS Word, spreadsheets like MS Excel and PDF formats on the Liferay portal web site.

For the detailed help on installation/configuration/use of the plugin, you can look at the plugin’s documentation available at confluence wiki.

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