Monthly Archives: June 2015

More features added to Aspose.Slides for .NET comparison with OpenXML in v 1.1

We’ve created a new release of the Aspose.Slides for .NET in comparison with OpenXML Presentation. Code Comparison of Aspose Slides for .NET with OpenXML shows a number of Aspose.Slides for .NET features that helps you migrate from OpenXML Presentation.

What’s New

  • Apply Theme to Presentation
  • Change the fill color of a shape in the Presentation
  • Get all the external hyperlinks in the Presentation
  • Move a Paragraph from one Presentation to another

Existing Samples

  • Add a comment to a slide
  • Adding
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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Read Page Setup Data and Extract Embedded Objects using Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.5.0

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.5.0 has been released. This month’s release includes new features of retrieving Page setup information from MPP file, and enhancements such as reading embedded objects and ignoring invalid characters while reading such MPP files. Our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.5.0, lists all the API changes that are part of this release. For further queries, please feel free to reach us over Aspose.Tasks forum.

New Features & Enhancements

This section provides details … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

More Missing Features in Apache POI HSSF and XSSF in Comparison with Aspose.Cells for Java – v 1.4

Aspose just published the new release for project Aspose.Cells Java for Apache POI HSSF and XSSF. The new release, Aspose.Cells for Java features missing in Apache POI HSSF and XSSF, shows a number of Aspose.Cells for Java features missing in Apache POI SS (HSSF and XSSF) for dealing with Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Spreadsheets.

The source code of these examples is freely hosted on popular social coding sites like CodePlex and GitHub.

This release contains … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged ,

Strategize the Calculation Precision and Use PageSetup Scaling Factor in Spreadsheets

Aspose.Cells for Java

We are pleased to announce that Aspose.Cells for Java 8.5.0 is now available for public use. This release contains many useful features and improvements along with some critical bug fixes. Please refer to the release notes of Aspose.Cells for Java 8.5.0 for a full list of bug fixes and improvements. If you are planning to upgrade the API from any previous version, we strongly suggest you to check the Public API Changes section to know what has been changed since … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family, Babar Raza |

Copy Row Heights and Calculate Page Setup Scaling Factor in Excel using C#

Aspose.Cells for .NET logo

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.5.0 has been released. This release contains some useful features and other enhancements. If you are planning to upgrade the Aspose.Cells for .NET API to the latest revision, we would strongly suggest you to check the complete Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the API so far. We have provided a few important features in this month’s release.

Determine if the License is Loaded Successfully

Aspose.Cells provides Workbook.IsLicensed property which you can … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Support of PDFA is introduced in Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint 2.0.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint 2.0.0.

In this version we have included a new feature, PDFA support. Now you can convert a PDF document to PDFA compliant document. Currently we only support PDFA1b standard. Please check PDF to PDFA documentation link for the details. We have also fixed a couple of issues reported in earlier  versions.

Please visit the following link to download the latest version of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint v2.0.0

Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint

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Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Tilal Ahmad |

Micro PDF417 and Micro QR Barcode Encodings in SQL Server Reporting Services

Aspose.BarCode for SSRS icon

Today, we’re excited to announce the new release version of Aspose.BarCode for SSRS APIs 7.0.0. This new release version covers some new barcode symbologies, full support of Microsoft SQL Server 2014, enhance its support in the Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 report building and allows clients to encode barcode with empty bars. Along with these features support, we have included many other recent fixes reported by our clients in the Aspose site forums. We always appreciate our client’s precious … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Aspose.Words Java For Ruby – Dealing Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Documents

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Words Java for Ruby”, a new gem for Ruby developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Ruby developers who want to utilize “Aspose.Words for Java” in their Ruby applications using Rjb – Ruby Java Bridge to deal with Microsoft Word and OpenOffice documents.

The source code of these examples is freely hosted on popular social coding site GitHub.

This initial release contains examples of features that are available in Aspose.Words … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose .NET Duplicate Detection for Dynamics CRM 2013/2015 is now available

The Aspose Duplicate Detection is an open source add-on to be used with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This add-on in Dynamic CRM usually use when a document is sent via an email or attached to a letter from a main record, its duplicate is created allocating unnecessary space in the database.In order to resolve this issue we use one of the very interesting feature of Aspose.Words comparison between documents and create an add-on in CRM to remove duplicate documents between records … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Support for PDF Notes and Improved chart control feature available in Aspose.Slides for Java 15.5.0

We like to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for Java 15.5.0. This is one of maintenance release in which we have resolved certain issues incurring in the product along with support for some new features.

New Features

The long awaited support for converting presentation with notes to PDF has been included in this release and now you can export the presentation with Notes to PDF. Please visit the documentation article, Converting Presentation in Notes Slide View to PDF for … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |