Better License Initialization and Optimized Performance for Stamp Instance with Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0

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A new release of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0 provides better license initialization capabilities. As shared in earlier blogs, we introduced a method clear() in com.aspose.pdf.MemoryCleaner class, which provides Memory Cleanup features so that memory is set free from unused objects. This method optimizes API performance as system resources are released, leaving API with ample resources to perform various PDF creation and manipulation operations.

In this new release, we have also optimized TextStamp operation. Other than these improvements, a better support for UTF8 and UTF16 characters is provided, when converting TEXT files to PDF format. Cross file format conversions are one of the salient features offered by our API. Therefore, the PDF to HTML, the PDF to DOC, the transformation of PDF pages to Image format as well as the Image to PDF conversion features are specifically improved. Among these features, the text manipulation is also improved while searching and replacing TextFragments inside the PDF file.

Single JAR Targeting JDK 1.6

Starting this new release, we are providing a single code base (.jar) file targeting JDK 1.6, and its compatible with JDK 1.6, 1.7 and later versions.

As always recommended, please download and try the latest Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0 release.