Monthly Archives: May 2015

Aspose.Slides Examples showing Missing Features of Apache POI HSLF and XSLF – Now Available in NetBeans IDE

Aspose has now integrated the examples of Aspose.Slides for Java code and a features comparison with Apache POI HSLF and XSLF in Aspose Project Wizard for NetBeans IDE. This release shows the features that are only available in Aspose.Slides API but missing in Apache POI HSLF and XSLF for dealing the PowerPoint presentations.

Visit Aspose Docs for How to Create the Aspose Examples for Missing Features of Apache POI within NetBeans IDE

Aspose Java for Apache POI

Project Aspose Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Structural Formatting and Rendering Improvements in the Export using Aspose.Diagram for .NET 5.3.0

Aspose.Diagram for .NET logoWe’re pleased to announce the new release version of Aspose.Diagram for .NET 5.3.0. This new release concentrates more on the officially reported issues. Our product team is committed to bring auxiliary improvements in performance, export quality, structural data formatting and many more. The layout and rendering with respect to the structures is dependent on how the Visio diagram is loaded. So, at the micro-level, we have improved the relationships among the diagram elements working.

Quality Export of the Visio Diagrams

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Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Announcing Aspose.Words for .NET in Comparison with OpenXML – Now with Added Features

We’ve added new examples of the Aspose.Words for .NET in comparison with OpenXML Words. The release, Newly added comparison features of OpenXML Words and Aspose.Words for .NET shows a number of Aspose.Words for .NET features Vs OpenXML. The source code and downloadable examples are freely hosted on popular social coding sites like CodePlex, GitHub, Bitbucket and SourceForge.

What’s New

  • Remove the headers and footers
  • Open a word document for read-only access
  • Open a word document from a
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Improved SmartArt and Shapes Connectors for PowerPoint Presentations in Java

We’re pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Java 15.4.0. This is one of maintenance release in which we have resolved certain issues incurring in the product along with support for some new features.

New Features

We have introduced the support for joining the shapes using connectors in this release and now one can join the shapes using connector by selecting automatic shortest path or defining the connection point on shapes. Please visit the documentation article, Connecting shapes using … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Add VBA Modules and Create Chart in Excel

VBA in Excel

We are pleased to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Cells for Java, version 8.4.2. This month’s release contains many useful features & enhancements, where most worth mentioning feature of this release is the support for adding VBA modules to the spreadsheet. In case you are planning to upgrade the API from any previous revision, we strongly suggest you to go through the Public API Changes section first to know what has been changed since your current version of the API.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family, Babar Raza | Tagged , , ,

Add VBA Modules to Excel Workbook in C# with Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells for .NET logo

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.4.2 has been released. This release contains some useful features and other enhancements. The most worth mentioning feature of the release is the support for adding VBA modules to the spreadsheets. If you are planning to upgrade the Aspose.Cells for .NET API to the latest revision, we would strongly suggest you to check the complete Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the API so far. We have provided a few important features … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Different SlideView Types for PowerPoint Presentations – .NET PowerPoint API

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.4.0. This is one of the maintenance releases in which we have resolved certain issues incurring in the product along with some of new features.

New Features

We have included the long-awaited support for joining the shapes using connectors. Please visit the documentation article, Connecting shapes using Connectors for more details and sample code. We have also resumed the support for getting slide by ID using GetSlideById(id) method exposed … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Better License Initialization and Optimized Performance for Stamp Instance with Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0

Aspose.Pdf for Java logo

A new release of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0 provides better license initialization capabilities. As shared in earlier blogs, we introduced a method clear() in com.aspose.pdf.MemoryCleaner class, which provides Memory Cleanup features so that memory is set free from unused objects. This method optimizes API performance as system resources are released, leaving API with ample resources to perform various PDF creation and manipulation operations.

In this new release, we have also optimized TextStamp operation. Other than these improvements, a better support … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz |

Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 3.2.0 is a better and stable release

Aspose.Pdf for SSRS iconWe are pleased to announce the release of a maintenance version of Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 3.2. which includes fixes reported in earlier versions. The .RDL to PDF conversion has been greatly improved to generate high fidelity output. Therefore when using this new release, the rendering of particular font with specific size and text alignments are carefully considered, so that resultant PDF is identical and in accordance to formatting of source/input .RDL file.

As we have always recommended, please download … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz |

Export Page or Selected DNN Pane in Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for DNN Module

Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for DNN allow users to export online content into Word Processing or PDF document using Aspose.Words. It adds Selection DropDown, Export to Word and Export to Pdf buttons at any desired location on the page. Clicking a button dynamically exports the content of the selected section to a Word Processing or PDF document and then automatically downloads the file to the disk location selected by the user in just couple of … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |