Specify Fonts Location, Refresh Milestones on the Timeline and Switch the Connector Appearance using Aspose.Diagram for Java 5.2.0

Aspose.Diagram for Java logoToday, we’re glad to announce that we have released a new version of Aspose.Diagram for Java 5.2.0 with some cool additions and improvements. Based on customer feedback, we’ve tweaked some things around, set the font directory paths for rendering in Visio diagrams, set connector type shape appearance, refresh milestones on the timeline shape and included another print method which takes printer and document name parameters. Besides above new features, we also bring performance, formatting, and quality improvements in exporting Visio diagrams to any other supported formats.

State Multiple Font Locations

Utilizing new or third party fonts in manipulation, export and many other miscellaneous tasks of the Visio diagram is now an easy thing because developers can now specify locations of their own or third party fonts folders by passing an array of the string. Please refer to the following noteworthy help topic: How to Specify TrueType Fonts Location

Refresh Milestones and Intervals on the Timeline Shape

The timeline template includes features that let you align milestones and intervals to timeline shapes based on dates. Aspose.Diagram APIs allows to manage it. We have added a new refreshTimeLine method in TimeLineHelper class, it allows developers to rearrange milestones and intervals accordingly to the time period. Following help topic shows, how developers can refresh milestones on the timeline shape: Refresh Milestones on the Timeline in Visio

Switch Connector Type Shape Appearance

The connectors are fundamental to many types of Visio diagrams. Aspose.Diagram APIs now supports setting connector types, e.g. Right Angle, Straight Lines and Curved appearances. Following help topic shows, how developers can set the appearance of the connector type shape: Set Appearance of the Connector Type Shape in Visio

Set Document Name on the Printer Queue

We have included another print technique which sends print jobs to the printer. It takes printer and document name as parameters, so far clients can tweak the document name in print line. We have altered the following help topic: Print a Visio Drawing

We have fixed a number of issues in this release. The most noteworthy problems are listed below.

  • Fixed: Re-scaling of the Shape makes it deformed.

  • Fixed: Can’t access shape ParaCollection objects.

  • Fixed: Shape is using single connection point instead of different connection points.

Aspose.Diagram for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Diagram for Java:

We hope you’ll enjoy this new release that save time and efforts. The API is quite simple and developers can use it in application easily.