Improved API performance and rendering support available in Aspose.Slides for Java 15.3.0

We’re pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Java 15.3.0. This is one of major maintenance release in which we have resolved certain issues incurring in the product.

Resolved Issues

We have improved the performance of API in terms of loading and saving presentation to other presentation formats as well as exporting to PDF. The API performance has also been significantly improved when using API in multi-threaded environment. The output of IWarningCallbacks has also been improved and now it is represented much informative way as well.

We have improved the presentation rendering support and have resolved certain rendering issues incurring during generation of slide thumbnails, exported PDF, Tiff, SVG and XPS files in Windows, Linux\Unix and MAC platforms. The issues include improper text, missing background, blank slides, improper SmartArt, improper gradient effects, incorrect table and different charts elements rendering. The presentation slide as well table element cloning support has also been improved in this API and certain issues related to tables columns cloning have been rectified.

We have rectified issues that appeared when accessing, saving and rendering presentation to PDF, HTML or slide thumbnails, which resulted in different exceptions like NullReference, PptxReadException, ObjectReferenceException,and IllegalArgumentException in previous releases for MAC, Linux and Windows environments.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for Java 15.3.0, please visit the download page.