Aspose.Tasks for Java Revamped and Improved API is available now!

After the release of revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET, we are pleased to announce the launching of Aspose.Tasks for Java revamped version. We have included a number of improvements to the revamped API that enhances the overall product functionality and usage. It’s now more easy to use, well-structured in terms of expansion and scalability, and gives users more control over the application logic.  This latest version is now available for download from our product download page.

Improvements in the Revamped API

The API has been re-written to provide the following improvements as compared to the old API.

Improved API Architecture: The ported version of Aspose.Tasks for Java, from the revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET, provides the same level of independence to users for getting and setting certain properties. This enables users to focus on their application logic only and frees them from taking care of calling recalculation methods manually.

Generic methods for Collections: Aspose.Tasks for Java now introduces generic set and get methods for manipulating various properties of the project data collections such as Project, Task, Resource, and ResourceAssignments. There is no direct access to the properties of these data collections which gives more control over the API functionality using the defined generic methods.

Static Classes for each Collection Type: The new API has static classes for grouping properties related to Project, Tasks, Resources and Resource Assignments. These are:

  • Prj
  • Tsk
  • Rsc
  • Asn

The use of these in combination with get/set methods facilitates for achieving desired settings.

Calculation Modes:The new API has manual as well as automatic recalculation modes that are similar in functionality to Microsoft Project (MSP). When the calculation mode is set to automatic, it recalculates everything, while the manual mode calculates only the necessary fields. The API, thus, eliminates the need of calling recalculating methods manually.

API Documentation

Since, the new API is totally revamped and is completely different from the old API, the old codes won’t work in almost all the cases. Therefore, we have updated the API documentation with code samples based on the revamped API of Aspose.Tasks for Java. You can get started with the new API by visiting the Programmer’s Guide section of the product documentation. Additionally, the API reference guide section of our documentation provides complete documentation about the API classes, methods and properties.

Migrating from Legacy API to the new API

You can quickly get started with the new API and start replacing your application codes by following the Migration Article from our documentation section. It guides you towards new API usage by providing comparative sample codes of the legacy as well as new API.

Missing Functionality in the new API

The revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for Java has all the features and functionality that were part of the legacy API and no single feature is missing/non-implemented.

Legacy API Validity and API Documentation

As far as the legacy API is concerned, we’ll keep fixing bugs in the legacy version for three months after which support for old API will no more be available. However, improvements and new features will be implemented in the revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for Java only. You can also find a PDF version of the legacy API documentation in the Resources section of our release section.

Support for the New API

Got any questions about Aspose.Tasks for Java revamped version? Please feel to write to us over Aspose.Tasks forum to get answers and support for your queries. We’ll be glad to assist you for getting started with the new API.