Compare Microsoft Word Documents using Aspose.Words for .NET in C#

We are pleased to announce the release of our new open source project, Document Comparison by Aspose.Words for .NET. It is a web application that allows you to compare two Microsoft Word documents and check the difference in C#.

Compare Microsoft Word Documents C#

You can upload the original document and the modified version and it will highlight the changes/differences made to the original. Summary is shown on top, with the number of additions and deletions. Deleted text is marked in red and strike-through font. Added text is formatted in blue.


  • Compare Microsoft Word documents
  • Upload and manage documents in folders
  • Compare documents from web URL
  • Web based Microsoft Word document viewer

Technologies and Platforms

It is built using HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap, ASP.NET and Aspose.Words for .NET. C# and ASP.NET is used for server side programming. Aspose.Words for .NET is the core library for comparing the text in Word documents. Client side programming is done in HTML5 and jQuery, which allows it to run gracefully in various devices. Finally, Bootstrap helps to adapt it to various screen resolutions and UI enhancements.

Download Source Code

Source code is provided in the form of Visual Studio 2013 solution. You can download from any of these websites.