.NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico

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Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico allow users to export online content into Word Processing or PDF document using Aspose.Words. It adds Export to Word and Export to Pdf buttons at any desired location on the page. Clicking a button dynamically exports the content of the page to a Word Processing or PDF document and then automatically downloads the file to the disk location selected by the user in just a couple of seconds.

This initial version of the web part provides a number of great features, including:

  • Get an offline copy of your favorite online content for editing, sharing and printing in the popular DOC or PDF formats.
  • Ability to customize/localize button text while adding web part to the page.
  • The generated Word processing document can then be opened using any Word Processing Application such as Microsoft Word or Apache OpenOffice etc.
  • The generated PDF document can be opened using any PDF viewer or reader.
Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico
Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico

Installing the Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico Web Part

You can download the Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico web part from one of the following locations:

Once downloaded, please follow these steps to install the web part into your Kentico website:

  1. Log into your site as an administrator or another similar privileged account.
  2. Open the Sites application.
  3. Click Import site or objects. The Import wizard starts.
  4. Click Upload Package and select the downloaded zip file.
  5. Click Next, and make sure the following are selected
    • Import tasks (recommended)
    • Import files (recommended)
    • Import code files
    • Import custom assembly files
    • Import global folders
  6. Click Next, you will see a summary of the tasks performed. Click Finish

Due to limitations of Kentico Export and Import process, the dll files cannot automatically be copied to bin folder and therefore you will manually need to

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  2. Copy paste Aspose.Words.dll to the bin folder of your Kentico website.

Using the Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico Web Part

After you have installed the Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico web part, it is really simple to start using it on your website. Please follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Make sure you are logged-in to Kentico with administrator level account.
  2. Open the Pages application.
  3. Create a new page or select any existing page in your website’s content tree.
  4. Switch to the Design tab.
  5. Add the Aspose Content Export web part onto the page.
  6. In the web part configuration dialog, you can set the value of the Export to Word and Export to Pdf button text.
  7. Click OK.

Please check Using and configuring web parts for more details.

You have successfully added Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico web part to your page. Two buttons, Export to Word and Export to Pdf will now appear on the page. Anyone can simply click on either of these buttons and export the content of the page into a Word Processing or PDF document.

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Please check this video to see it in action.