Improved API performance with Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.4.1

We are pleased to share the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.4.1 which is sort of maintenance release. Ported form its equivalent .NET version, it fixes issues related to MPP conversion to XML and output file corruption when edited for some data. This further improves the overall API functionality. There are no API changes included in this month’s release. You can download this latest version from our product download page.

We are also excited to share that we are in process of launching revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for Java which will soon be available for download. Ported from its equivalent .NET version, the revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for Java will contain the ease of use and improved implementation of the API. Please feel free to write to us over Aspose.Tasks forum if you have any query/inquiry in this regard.