Monthly Archives: February 2015

Save Document in Any Format and Upload to Cloud Storage using Aspose .NET AutoMerge for Dynamics CRM

The Aspose AutoMerge is an open-source add-on to be used with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This add-on is capable of generating documents using the template and attaching them to Any Entity, Letter, sending emails, Generating copies of the document, and upload documents on cloud storage. Easily configure workflow and generate documents from templates. Aspose .NET AutoMerge can be used with on-premises only.

Features in this Release

This release supports the following features.

  • Create Templates in Microsoft Word and Upload them in
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words Examples – Missing Features of Apache POI WP (HWPF + XWPF)

Aspose.Words for Java

Aspose has now integrated the examples of Aspose.Words for Java code and a features comparison with Apache POI WP (HWPF + XWPF) in Aspose Project Wizard for NetBeans IDE. This release shows the features that are only available in Aspose.Words API but missing in Apache POI WP SDK for dealing with word processing documents.

Aspose for Apache POI

Project Aspose for Apache POI shows how different functionalities can … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Specify Character Spacing for Text in PDF using C#

Aspose.Pdf for .NET logo

The new release version of Aspose.PDF for .NET 10.1.0 has been released with new features. With every new release, the demanding features from our customers are made available and keeping the tradition alive, we have introduced some useful features, as well as fixes for issues reported in earlier release versions.

Specify Character Spacing for Text in PDF

A text can be added inside paragraphs collection of PDF files using TextFragment instance or by using TextParagraph object and even you can … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz | Tagged

.NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico

aspose Words for Android e1401783855548 Import to Selected Pane in Aspose .NET Word Import for DNN Module

Aspose .NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico allow users to export online content into Word Processing or PDF document using Aspose.Words. It adds Export to Word and Export to Pdf buttons at any desired location on the page. Clicking a button dynamically exports the content of the page to a Word Processing or PDF document and then automatically downloads the file to the disk location selected by the user in just a couple of seconds.

This … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Improved API performance with Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.4.1

We are pleased to share the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.4.1 which is sort of maintenance release. Ported form its equivalent .NET version, it fixes issues related to MPP conversion to XML and output file corruption when edited for some data. This further improves the overall API functionality. There are no API changes included in this month’s release. You can download this latest version from our product download page.

We are also excited to share that we are in … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor by Aspose.Cells for Java 1.5

The last release was a total revamp of user interface which introduced a tabbed-toolbar and all features are now accessible with one click. Today I am excited to announce the 1.5 release of HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor. The new version comes with new features and fixes with a focus on performance. Read release notes on Github.

What’s new?

Insert Cells

The new 1.5 version of HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor allows user to add a cell at any arbitrary location in the sheet. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Appointments having BOM Characters supported with Aspose.Email for Java 5.0.0

We are pleased to share the release of Aspose.Email for Java 5.0.0. Ported form its equivalent .NET version, it incorporates the same enhancements and bug fixes. For a complete list of API changes, you may visit the public API changes in Aspose.Email for Java 5.0.0 page of our documentation section. For any query/inquiry related to the API, please feel free to write to us Aspose.Email forum.


Enhancements included in this month’s release are as follow:

Support for Managing Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Add images to a record and view them on the main form with Aspose .NET ImageAttach for Dynamics CRM

Aspose Imaging for net

Aspose .NET ImageAttach is an open source add-on to be used with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This add-on provide functionality to add images to a record and view them on the main form. Aspose .NET ImageAttach can be used with CRM on-premises as well as CRM Online.

Features in this Release

This release supports the following features.

  • Silverlight web-resource that can be added to any entity.
  • Allow functionality to upload any type of image.
  • Allow
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Posted in Aspose.Imaging Product Family | Tagged , ,

My World created working processes in an automatic filing system to recognize and convert MS Office files to PDF

About My World Ltd.

My World company logo

My World Ltd. is a software and web application development company, established in Israel since 2004. We develop a variety of software solutions, database management systems, internet websites, portals, and web applications. Among our long-standing clients are high- tech companies, large organizations, and medium private sector businesses, for which we offer a full package deal consisting of the definition, coordination, and application of each project.

My World Ltd. believes in tailored solutions for each individual client, … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Total, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Improved API performance in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 7.4.0

We are pleased to release Aspose.Tasks for .NET 7.4.0. It is sort of maintenance release where reported issues with our revamped version (Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.0.0) have been fixed. It fixes minor issues that arose during MPP to XML conversion and output MPP file corruption after updating. This certainly enhances the API functionality and performance.

We’ll keep fixing bugs in our legacy (for a limited time) as well as the revamped version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.0.0. But … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |