Ludix Technologies accomplished Absolute Page Positioning and Complex Graphics in automated PDF Invoices

About Ludix Technologies

The product isimo has been developed by Ludix Technologies as an online, hosted solution to help organizations in managing sport and recreational activities being offered to members. It provides tools to manage the complete process, from online registration, billing to attendance lists generation and reporting.

Requirements Scenario

Our goal in designing isimo was to provide an easy to use, yet a very high-quality system that would appeal to both our clients and their members. A communication medium of high quality was essential to achieve this objective. One of our needs was to produce automated documents for invoicing. Therefore, the obvious document format was PDF. We evaluated many solutions to accomplish this requirement but, out of all the components reviewed, Aspose.PDF for .NET clearly came out on the top.

Solution Implementation

We were pleased by Aspose.PDF for .NET due to its ease of use. The API is well structured and simple to master. In a very short time, we were up and running and were able to create complex documents. Albeit, we did find a few bugs that hindered our development but, the support team at Aspose really impressed us. Our posts on the forums were always promptly answered. The staff has been quite helpful and once the bugs were confirmed, many of them were corrected in a hotfix release (within a few days after their confirmation). This hardened our confidence in the Aspose.PDF for .NET team and product.

The absolute page positioning and complex graphics are a little harder tasks, but we did manage to program our rounded-corner boxes just as we wanted. Please refer below the preview of the invoice sheet that we created using Aspose.PDF for .NET.

ISIMO document preview


Aspose.PDF for .NET improves very quickly. The Versions containing new features are released often. For us, this is reassuring because we feel that the product is alive and doing well. We are convinced that no other tool would better satisfy our needs and gladly recommend Aspose.PDF for .NET without any hesitation.

Dominic St-Jacques
Vice-president and CTO
Ludix Technologies