Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.3.0 improves Project Data Rendering

Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.3.0 has been released. This month’s release contains improvements in existing API functionality by fixing a number of bugs. This further aids to the overall reliability and functionality of the API. In order to get complete details about the fixed issues, you may visit our product download page. For a complete list of API changes in this month’s release, please visit our documentation page Public API changes in Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.3.0.

Bug Fixes

Since our Java version of API is automatically ported from its equivalent .NET version, all the bugs fixed in the lateral are incorporated in Java version as well. Thus, this month’s release fixes a number of bugs related to project data rendering and calculations.

Project Data Rendering Issues: This includes fixing a number of issues related to project data rendering that are related to exporting the default view. This includes issues related to text alignment, changed resource names, missing columns in output and change in table contents and change in table contents during rendering of project data.

Calendar Assignment to Task: Defining and assignment of a calendar to a Task functionality has long been supported by Aspose.Tasks. This month’s release brings further improvements to the functionality by fixing some identified bugs which, in turn, further enhances the API functionality in terms of reliability.

If you have any query related to Aspose.Tasks, please feel free to write to us on Aspose.Tasks forum. We’ll be glad to answer your queries.