WBS Code Definitions Reading/Writing Supported by Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.2.0

After the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 7.2.0, we are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.2.0. This month’s release includes the same enhancements and bug fixes that were part of the .NET version. It includes rendering enhancements as well as support for reading/writing WBS code definitions. For further information on what is new and fixed, please visit the product download page. You may also share your feedback with us over Aspose.Tasks forum.

WBS code definitions support: This month’s release provides support for code mask in WBS code definition. It allows reading the code mask associated with WBS code definitions and writes these while saving to output MPP. The WBSCodeDefinition property (of the Project class) is used for this purpose.

Improved data rendering: Aspose.Tasks for Java now provides improved project data rendering where task links such as FS, SS, FF and SF are rendered across horizontal as well as vertical pages. Earlier, this was limited to rendering the same across single pages only. More information.

Other Improvements: This month’s release also includes a number of bug fixes related to various functionalities of the API, including:

  • Missing values when rendering project data.
  • Wrong WBS, Max. Units and W.Comp values calculation.
  • Differences in calculated and output values.
  • Text alignment issues while rendering project data.