Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.4.0 Released

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We have published a new release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services that includes a number of fixes for issues reported by our customers and some major improvements to the field, rendering, and layout features.

You can download the latest releases of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services from the following link:

Bug Fixes and Changes

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.4.0 release includes the latest improvements and fixes included in Aspose.Words (14.8.0). The most notable are:

  • Improved how TOC field culture and formatting is handled.
  • Timestamping of PDF digital signatures using external timestamp server implemented.
  • Improvements to advanced rendering features, for example pre-blending semi-transparent images.
  • Horizontal rotation of characters with HorizontalRotatedFarEast orientation supported.
  • Improved page layout for additional compatibility modes.
  • Improved floater positioning in complex cases.

Below are some of the fixes specific to Aspose.Words for Reporting Services.

  • WORDSRPT-78: Export texture fills to all formats.
  • WORDSRPT-150: Sub-report does not render after conversion from RDL to RTF/DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-151: Page header appears in output RTF/DOC/DOCX after conversion from RDL.
  • WORDSRPT-160: Aspose.Words for SSRS exporter throws exception when there is a Matrix in the RDLC report.
  • WORDSRPT-169: Extra empty space appears when RDL is exported to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-170: Extra space (empty paragraph) appears when RDL is exported to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-171: The Textbox’s CanGrow property does not work properly.
  • WORDSRPT-179: RepeatRowHeaders does not work when RDL is exported to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-181: RDL to DOCX issue with table’s hidden rows whitespace.
  • WORDSRPT-183: EnableHTMLFormatting does not work for font size.
  • WORDSRPT-184: TextBox text does not render after conversion from RDL to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-185: HTML table does not generate correctly when RDL is converted to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-187: Extra table’s cell appears after conversion from RDL to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-189: HTML text is truncated after conversion from RDL to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-190: HTML text is duplicated after conversion from RDL to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-191: Text color does not apply when RDL is exported to DOC/DOCX.
  • WORDSRPT-194: Exception (An error occurred during local report processing) is thrown while exporting RDL to DOC/DOCX/HTML.
  • WORDSRPT-195: Flow of the data in the columns are not right.

You can also find these bug fixes and improvements in the download page link above.