Aspose for Java JetBrains Plugin Supports New Products

We are pleased to announce release 1.2 for the Aspose for Java JetBrains plugin to support Aspose’s new product family. With this release, the plugin adds support for Aspose.Tasks and Aspose.Diagram.

Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java logoAspose.Tasks for Java is a project management API that enables Java application developers to provide Microsoft Project® document manipulation capability in their applications – all without using Microsoft Project®. With this powerful API, developers can control various stages of project management, such as project planning, definition and tracking.

Aspose.Diagram for Java

Aspose.Diagram for Java logoAspose.Diagram for Java is a Non-Graphical and well-structured API that allows developers to load, create, save and manipulate Microsoft Visio drawings within a Java application without using Microsoft Visio. It provides better performance and is easier to use to manipulate diagrams and convert files than Microsoft Office Automation.

Support for Aspose.Tasks for Java and Aspose.Diagram for Java has been added to the Aspose Project Wizard and Aspose Example modules of the plugin, so now you don’t have to download the API JARs and examples code for Aspose.Tasks and Aspose.Diagram manually and copy them to the project. This is now supported by the plugin in the IDE native flow.

Aspose Project Wizard

Aspose API Examples Creation

Created Project Display

Important Links

Source Code Available

Aspose Project Wizard for JetBrains is open source and its source code is available on the major social coding websites listed below. Developers can extend the functionality if they want or learn from it to make their own plugins.

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