Aspose.Words for Android 1.10 Released

Aspose.Words for Android LogoWe are pleased to announce a new release of Aspose.Words for Android. Aspose.Words for Android 1.10 sees the codebase better tweaked and the core functionality closer to Aspose.Words for Java, which is the product that Aspose.Words for Android is ported from.

You can download the latest release of Aspose.Words for Android from the following link:

This release includes the following most notable improvements/fixes:

  • Performance improvement.
  • Improved justification around inline paragraph breaks.
  • Hyphenation API updated and extended with a callback mechanism.
  • Improved table row wrapping around floaters in compatibility mode.
  • OOXML (Microsoft Word 2010) text effects rendering implemented.
  • Image export to HTML, MHTML and EPUB improved.
  • The FitText attribute supported for all flow formats.