Improved and Stable: Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.3.0

Aspose.Pdf for Android logoWe are pleased to announce the maintenance release Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.3.0. This new release includes fixes for issues reported in earlier versions. One of the areas where fixes have been introduced is text file to PDF conversion using TextBuilder. With this new release, you can convert text files to PDF format with the new Document Object Model com.aspose.pdf package. The PDF to image conversion feature is greatly improved. Starting with this release, the PdfConverter class provides great stability for PDF to image conversion and caters for many complex scenarios. So now you can convert any PDF document to image format with great fidelity.

We also know that on the Android platform, standard font files like Arial.TTF are inaccessible. Therefore some standard fonts like Helvetica are incorrectly displayed in files created on Android. To resolve this problem, TTF fonts for standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman etc.) are packed and loaded.

Please download and start evaluating the new release of Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.3.0.