Rendering Project Data to Individual files and Reading OpenProj XML Files supported with Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.8.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.8.0 which has been enriched with new features and enhancements. The release also includes a number of bug fixes that improves the overall functionality of the API. To get this latest version of Aspose.Tasks, please visit the product download page. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can write to us on Aspose.Tasks forum.

Printing Project Data to Separate Files

Until this release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET, Aspose.Tasks allowed you to export project data to a single output file. The requirements, however, may differ in some cases where the project data may need to be exported to separate output files. This month’s release provides the capability to export project data to multiple individual image files using the ImageSaveOptions.SaveToSeparateFiles property.

Display Custom Fields in Gantt Chart View

Microsoft Project provides the capability to set a current Gantt chart view which may contain extended attributes columns which are assigned to a task. Each time the file is opened in Microsoft Project, the columns saved and the settings are displayed to the user. This month’s release of Aspose.Tasks provides the same feature, configuring the Gantt chart view, by adding selected columns to it for display.

Setting TimeScale Count

This month’s release has also enhanced the project data rendering capability in terms of setting time scale information. The TimeScaleTier class lets you set TimeScale count information for the project. This is displayed in the bottom of the rendered data to any output format.

Support for Reading OpenProj XML Files

OpenProj, an open source Project Management software application, also known as ProjectLibre now, can export project data to XML format. With the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.8.0, the API now supports reading XML files exported by OpenProj.

Other Improvements

This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs that were reported by our valued customers using the previous version. This further aids to the overall functionality of the API. For more information about the bugs fixed, you may visit the