Manipulate or convert PDF files to Image format without using Adobe Acrobat

About Starlogic

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Starlogic is a software development company delivering tailor-made software solutions. By tailoring our Starlogic Framework, we were able to implement fully integrated business software and automation solutions, always flexible and able to adjust to changes. Even after their implementation.

We serve service-oriented and production-oriented companies alike by providing the software to run their business smoothly. Our software touches every level in the organization, providing a fully integrated software environment with real-time data at all the relevant levels.


Our customers in the graphics branch work with PDF files for all their printing needs. Since Starlogic forms an integral part of their workflow systems, we were required to manipulate and convert PDF files from our own software, often server-side, without any dependency on Adobe or any other software vendors.

A specific need arose when we needed to convert PDF files to images, so we could display the content of a print-ready PDF as an image on a website.


We implemented the Aspose.PDF for .NET component to automatically generate images from PDF files, so our customers can directly view the content of a file instead of separately opening a PDF file.

Preview of PDF file
Image 1:- Previously our customers needed to open a PDF file in Acrobat.
Preview of PDF converted to Image
Image 2:- Now we can create an image of the PDF and incorporate the image in the software views for an integrated experience.


We performed research regarding .NET components that were available that can facilitate us in converting and manipulating PDF components, without needing any dependencies on Adobe or other software vendors.

During the implementation of Aspose.PDF for .NET the code samples provided by Aspose were sufficient for us to get started with implementing the library in our own software framework and we had our first Proof-of-Concept ready within an hour! Furthermore, the quality of the generated images far exceeded those of the other components we have tried.

Because of the quality of the documentation, we immediately discovered what other advantages Aspose.PDF for .NET has been offering, and soon we implemented other features offered by Aspose.PDF for .NET component.

Next Steps

We immediately experienced that Aspose.PDF for .NET component had more to offer than we bargained for and already have enriched our own software with extra capabilities, such as:

We deliver tailor-made solutions to our customers and there is no doubt Aspose.PDF for .NET gave us the functionality to solve problems that our customers have been facing.


Since our first attempt in using Aspose.PDF for .NET component until we rolled out the new functionality of our own software, we did not experience any glitch in the process. This has made us confident that we have selected the right component for the job, for now, and for the years to come.

Furthermore, we are now able to offer our customers the functionality related to PDF files that otherwise would have been in the hands of our competitors. So no more dependencies and still a richer experience for our customers.

Last but not the lease, we selected Aspose.PDF for .NET because it has far more capabilities than its competitors, and it lets us keep our competitive edge as well. I would happily recommend the component to anyone who needs to work with PDF files within their code.

Jorrit Reedijk, Starlogic BV