We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Android 6.0.0 with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. The new release supports optimizing memory usage when working with big Microsoft Excel files with large data sets. When building a workbook with large data sets, or reading a big template file, the total amount of RAM the process will use is always a concern. Aspose.Cells provides measures that can be adopted to cope with the challenge. Aspose.Cells provides some relevant options to lower, reduce, and optimize memory usage. For example, the MemorySetting.MEMORY_PREFERENCE option optimizes memory use for the cells data to decrease the overall memory cost.
Aspose.Cells also allows you to get/set the time of generating the PDF documents for Excel to PDF conversion, sometimes you might need to set your desired custom DateTime for the PDF files.
There is another valuable Microsoft Excel’s features is to show formulas instead of values in a worksheet. You can show formulas instead of the calculated values in Microsoft Excel using the Show Formulas option from the Formulas ribbon. Once, you enable it, Microsoft Excel displays formulas inside the worksheet. You can achieve this using Aspose.Cells APIs.
Aspose.Cells provides a Worksheet.setShowFormulas() method which you can set to true to set Microsoft Excel to display formulas.
We have added a number of enhancements and fixes in the new release. We have improved the chart to image and sheet to image modules.
Several other important issues have also been addressed. For example, issues with rendering Excel files to HTML file format, applying formatting, auto-filtering data in List objects/Tables. A few other improvements are also made to Aspose.Cells for Android’s formula calculation engine.
To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for Android 6.0.0, please visit the download page.