Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.5.0 supports reading specific Gantt chart view

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.5.0 that includes a number of new features and fixes.

Ported from its equivalent .NET version, this month’s release provides the capability of reading all or specific Gantt chart View Data such as bar styles information, grid lines properties, and progress lines properties.

This month’s release also provides the feature of Reading Group Definition Data from Microsoft Project MPP files. This empowers users to read all information related to the grouping of project data which is carried out on defined criteria. The information can then be used in applications that store Meta data about a project.

This month’s release also introduces another feature of reading Filter Definition data from MPP data files. This also includes reading individual filter criteria data that allows determining the set of filters applied. In addition, reading Table Data from a Microsoft Project file is also supported with this month’s release which allows accessing each table in the project file along with reading the table fields.

For more information on what is new and fixed, you may visit the product download page.