Read Specific Gantt Chart View Data from MPP using C#

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.5.0 has been published with a number of new features and enhancements.

A project’s Gantt chart view contains information about the whole chart display such as bar rounding and splits, drawing display, whether to roll up Gantt bars, bar sizes and styles. Each of these has individual properties that determine the Gantt chart display. Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.5.0 provides the capability to read all or specific Gantt chart view data including bar styles information, grid lines properties, and progress lines properties.

Read Group Definition Data

Microsoft Project allows you to group project data according to defined criteria. Information related to the groups’ definition can be useful in applications that store metadata about a project. This month’s release introduces a new feature for accessing and reading group definition data to serve this purpose.

Read Filter Definitions

With this month’s release, the API can read filter definition data from a Microsoft Project data file. In addition, individual filter criteria data can also be read from the MPP file which allows determining what set of filter criteria is applied. In addition, this month’s release also provides a new feature for reading table data from a Microsoft Project data file which gives access to each table in the project file along with reading the table fields.

For more information on what is new and fixed, you may visit the product download page.