Improved Presentation Rendering in Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.2.0

We like to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.2.0. This is primarily a maintenance release in which we have resolved several issues.

We have introduced support for efficient management of hyperlinks in the presentation, slide and text frame levels. Please visit the documentation article Managing the Hyperlinks in Presentation for further details. We have also introduced support for numbered and unnumbered list styles when importing paragraph text from HTML.

Resolved Issues

In this release, we have resolved issues pertaining to accessing and saving presentations that resulted in different exceptions in earlier product versions. We have also rectified  issues related to corrupted presentations generated using Aspose.Slides.

HTML rendering support has also been improved in this release and several issues related to presentation to HTML export have been rectified, including missing images in generated HTML and improper text rendering. We have also addressed issues related to HTML import inside presentation which previously resulted in an exception or improper text import when importing HTML data.

We have made significant improvement to PDF rendering as well. We have resolved issues like improper text rendering, missing or improper SmartArt and chart rendering issues in generated PDFs. Some of PDF saving issues that resulted in exceptions when saving to PDF have also been resolved.

We have also deprecated some methods and have moved some classes to a new API in this release. Please visit the documentation article, Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for .NET for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.2.0, please visit the download page.