Spring.NET E-ticket Generation in SpringAir using Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words for e-ticketing

SpringAir is a flight reservation and ticket booking system based on Spring.NET that demonstrates the ASP.NET framework showing features such as dependency injection for ASP.NET pages, bi-directional data binding, validation and localization.

We have extended the SpringAir application to support the following features:

  • Generation of e-ticket in Microsoft Word and PDF formats.
  • Machine readable e-ticket containing itinerary details and dynamically generated barcode.
  • Allowing users to save e-ticket in Microsoft Word or PDF format for sharing and printing.

Please check the screenshots below for visual demonstration

SpringAir reservation confirmation
SpringAir reservation confirmation
SpringAir reservation confirmation generated e-ticket
SpringAir reservation confirmation generated e-ticket

The sample demonstrates some great Aspose.Words and Aspose.BarCode features such as:

  • Generating barcode from a dynamic alpha-numeric text.
  • Inserting the generated barcode into a Microsoft Word document header.
  • Inserting an image into a Microsoft Word document.
  • Inserting custom text, line breaks and horizontal rule into a Microsoft Word document.
  • Creating and formatting a table with dynamic data in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Saving a document to DOCX or PDF formats.

Source Code

You can download the complete working source code from:

What is Spring.NET?

Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier.

Spring.NET provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing enterprise .NET applications.  It allows you to remove incidental complexity when using the base class libraries for best practices, such as test driven development, or easy practices.

The design of Spring.NET is based on the Java version of the Spring Framework, which has shown real-world benefits and is used in thousands of enterprise applications worldwide.  Spring .NET is not a quick port from the Java version, but rather a ‘spiritual port’ based on following proven architectural and design patterns in that are not tied to a particular platform.

The breath of functionality in Spring.NET spans application tiers which allows you to treat it as a ‘one stop shop’ but that is not required.  Spring .NET is not an all-or-nothing solution.  You can use the functionality in its modules independently.

What is SpringAir?

The SpringAir sample application demonstrates a selection of Spring.NET’s powerful features making a .NET programmer’s life easier. It demonstrates the following features of Spring.Web:

  • Spring.NET IoC container configuration.
  • Dependency injection as applied to ASP.NET pages.
  • Master page support.
  • Web service support.
  • Bi-directional data binding.
  • Declarative validation of domain objects.
  • Internationalization.
  • Result mapping to better encapsulate page navigation flows.

The application models a flight reservation system where you can browse flights, book a trip and even attach your own clients using the web services exposed by the SpringAir application.

All pages within the application are fully Spring managed. Dependencies get injected as configured within a Spring Application Context. For NET 1.1 it shows how to apply centrally managed layouts to all pages in an application by using master pages – a well-known feature from NET 2.0.

When selecting your flights, you are already experiencing a fully localized form. Select your preferred language from the bottom of the form and see how the new language is immediately applied. As soon as you submit the desired flight, the submitted values are automatically unbound from the form onto the application’s data model by leveraging Spring.Web’s support for data binding. With data binding you can easily associate properties on your PONO model with elements on your ASP.NET form.

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