Find Cells Based on Formatting and Create Transparent Images of Worksheets in Aspose.Cells for Android 4.0.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Android 4.0.0. In this release, you can find cells with particular style or formatting. Aspose.Cells supports finding all cells that have a common style or formatting. Aspose.Cells provides the FindOptions.setStyle() method which you can use to specify the style to search cells for.

You can now create transparent images of Microsoft Excel worksheet. Sometimes, you need to generate an image of your worksheet as a transparent image. For example, you might want to apply transparency to all cells that have no fill color. Aspose.Cells provides the ImageOrPrintOptions.setTransparent() method which applies transparency to a worksheet image.

This new release also supports reading large Excel files with the LightCells API. This is a useful feature when you need to read data from a huge Microsoft Excel workbook with millions of records and you are worried about the performance.

We have also added a number of enhancements in the new release. In this version, we have refactored the PivotTables module. We’ve made great enhancements and fixed several issues. We have improved the chart to image and sheet to image modules. Several other important issues have also been addressed. For example, issues to do with rendering Microsoft Excel file formats, rendering images from Excel worksheets, rendering shapes and exporting Excel workbooks to PDF format have been resolved.

To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for Android 4.0.0, please visit the download page.