Introducing Aspose.Tasks for Java

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We are pleased to announce the launch of Aspose.Tasks for Java, an API that empowers Java application developers to write applications that manage and manipulate Microsoft Project documents without worrying about the complexity of Microsoft Project format implementation. Our .NET component for managing project documents, Aspose.Tasks for .NET, has been in the field for a long time already and has proven record for processing project documents.

Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java is a Microsoft Project document creation, reading and manipulation API for Java developers. At its base, Aspose.Tasks for Java has the strong foundations of its .NET ancestor which is already proven for empowering users manipulate project documents without the need of installing Microsoft Project or Office automation.

How to use Aspose.Tasks for Java

Like other Aspose components for Java, Aspose.Tasks for Java comes as a JAR file that can be included in applications like any other JAR file. With our vast range of articles and documentation samples, you can get started with the API in no time. Download a trial version of Aspose.Tasks for Java now, free of cost, and start processing project documents right away.

Processing Microsoft Project Documents

Aspose.Tasks’ well-structured API provides Java application developers complete control over creating, reading and manipulating project files in their applications. It provides full control over various stages of Project management such as project planning, definition and tracking. With the API, all elements of a project document can be manipulated including project properties, calendar, calendar exceptions, tasks, resources, resource assignments, extended attributes and outline codes, overtimes and budget costs.

Working with Projects

You can not only read project documents, but also modify the contents and save it back. With Aspose.Tasks, you can read as well as set a project’s general and default properties. It allows you to  determine a loaded project’s version and verifying the project structure. With just a few lines of code, you can retrieve information about calendars, tasks, resources, task links, and resource assignments within a project. Setting extended attributes and calculating critical path is also supported. The API’s project class also supports reading password protected MPP files; however, at present this feature is available for 2003 project documents only. It also allows rescheduling a project from the start or finishing date.

Exporting Project Data

Aspose.Tasks API facilitates exporting project document data to a number of popular formats. For example, project data can be exported to CSV, TXT, MPT and Excel (XLS, XLSX) formats with just a few lines of code. In addition, the project data can also be exported to HTML and XAML formats.

Managing Tasks and Task Links

When it comes to project tasks data, the API provides complete features for managing a project’s task related operations. It can be used to create and add tasks to a project, modify as well as retrieve task properties and manage tasks calendars. Not only this, but the API also helps manage a task’s actual properties, durations and priorities. Developers can also retrieve information related to task variances, costs, overtimes and percentage calculations. The API gives complete control over updating task data and writing it back to the MPP file. Similarly, the API facilitates working with task links and writing updated task link data back to the MPP.

Working with Resources and Resource Assignments

The Aspose.Tasks API provides developers with complete access to project resources for setting and retrieving their information. Users can add resources to a project and set and retrieve resource property, overtime, cost, percentage calculation and extended attribute information. The API also allows reading resource timephased data and writing updated resource data back to MPP file.

Working with resource assignments is also supported by this new API.. It allows you to create resource assignments, set and retrieve properties, manage assignment cost and budget, and calculate an assignment’s percentage completion. In addition, resource assignment variances, stopping and resuming an assignment, and managing timephased data generation for different work contours is also supported by the API.

Supported File Formats

Aspose.Tasks supports the file formats supported by Microsoft Project including MPP, XML and MPT. At present, it can create a project document in XML format from scratch while a template MPP file can be loaded and manipulated for saving back to disc.

Project Data Rendering Capability

Aspose.Tasks supports rendering project data to various image formats such as BMP, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, SVG and XPS. Users can render:

At Aspose, we are continuously improving our product with new features and enhancements. In addition, our detailed online documentation provides an easy way to get started with the API. You can also reach out for support on the Aspose.Tasks forum where our support team assists you with your inquiries.