Add Image to First Page’s Header and Footer in Excel using Aspose.Cells for Java

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Java 7.6.0. This release supports selecting a range of cells in the worksheet while activating the worksheets in the output Excel file. You may also specify a first page header and footer image for worksheet.

We had a number of complaints regarding the image quality in chart-to-image conversion and have improved the quality to a certain extent. We have also resolved a number of exceptions encountered when reading and writing Microsoft Excel files, rendering charts to images and converting worksheets to image files.

This release is also a maintenance release that contains enhancements and fixes for issues reported in earlier versions. In this release, we have fixed issues with manipulating charts and shapes. Several other important issues have been addressed. For example, issues around rendering Microsoft Excel file formats, manipulating charts, manipulating worksheets and rendering to PDF format. Issues pertaining to the formula calculation engine have also been fixed in this release.

To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for Java 7.6.0, please visit the download page.