PDF to EPUB, XFA to PDF, Get Print Job Status and Specify PDF Open Page with Aspose.Pdf for .NET 8.5.0

Aspose.Pdf for .NET logoWe are excited to announce new features like PDF to EPUB conversion, dynamic XFA to PDF or image conversion, getting the status of a PDF printing job (finding out whether the process completed successfully or got stuck in the middle of execution) and specifying a particular page number to open when viewing the document. All these feature are introduced in latest release of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 8.5.0.

At Aspose, we love to keep things simple and effective. Keeping that tradition alive, PDF to EPUB conversion is as simple as EPUB to PDF conversion. Just specify the source PDF file and leave the rest of the conversion job to Aspose.Pdf for .NET. Please take a look at the following code snippet for an example of PDF to EPUB conversion.

// Load source PDF file
Document pdfDocument = new Document("c:/input.pdf");
// Instantiate EpubSave Options object
EpubSaveOptions options = new EpubSaveOptions();
// Specify the layout for resultant file
options.ContentRecognitionMode = EpubSaveOptions.RecogntionMode.Flow;
// Save the EPUB file
pdfDocument.Save("c:/output.epub", options);

The operation to convert a dynamic XFA form to image formats is also implemented in this release. Please take a look over following code snippet which shows the steps to convert an XFA form to JPEG format using the JpegDevice class.

string inFile = "c:/input_XFA.pdf";
string outFile = "c:/output_Image.jpg";
Aspose.Pdf.Document pd = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(inFile);
pd.Form.Type = FormType.Standard;
JpegDevice jpegDevice = new JpegDevice(new Resolution(96));
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
{ jpegDevice.Process(pd.Pages[1], stream); }

This release also includes other fixes related to converting PDF to HTML, converting PDF to image, creating tables inside a PDF file, manipulating bookmarks and converting PDF to PDF/A. Please download and evaluate the latest release of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 8.5.0.