Excel to PDF, Worksheet to Image and Chart to Image Features Supported in Aspose.Cells for Android 1.1.0

We are pleased to publish the next version of Aspose.Cells for Android 1.1.0. This release supports more file formats, for example ODS, XPS, and SVG. Moreover, Aspose.Cells for Android 1.1.0 includes all the important and useful features present in its native Aspose.Cells for Java. For example, the component now supports the following file formats and conversions:

  • Rendering Workbook to PDF, XPS, ODS and SVG formats
  • Worksheet to Image
  • Chart to Image
  • Excel to PDF
  • Shape to Image

To see a complete list of new features, enhancements and other fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for Android 1.1.0, please visit the download page.