First Release of Aspose.Pdf for Android

Over the years, the Aspose.Pdf product family has been very successful providing customers with PDF files creation from scratch as well manipulating existing PDF files. We have components for .NET, Java, SQL Reporting Services, SharePoint services, Cloud API’s and Jasper Reports. Seeing the popularity and growth of applications for mobile platforms, we created a new component specific to the Android platform.

Aspose.Pdf for Android

We are very much excited to announce the release of Aspose.Pdf for Android which provides the capability to create as well as manipulate PDF files on Android. This component is built on top of our award winning product Aspose.Pdf for Java, and inherits all the features and capabilities from that version. The component empowers Android developers to deal with PDF documents in their applications without using any PDF file editor.

Like other members of the Aspose.Pdf product family, Aspose.Pdf for Android allows developers to create AcroForms from scratch and also manage form fields in existing PDF documents. Without spending tremendous amount of time or effort, this component enables you to create PDF documents both from API and XML templates. You can also easily insert or manipulate bookmarks, annotations, tables, images and many more components in PDF documents. It also supports concatenating, optimizating, and compressing PDF documents.

Supported Features

Some of the features of Aspose.Pdf for Android are:

  • Encrypt and decrypt PDF documents
  • Optimize PDF document for web
  • Create a portfolio PDF
  • Get or set XMP metadata of PDF document
  • Concatenate PDF documents
  • Manipulate PDF pages  (extract, split, insert, delete etc.)
  • Work with text (add, extract etc.)
  • Work with stamps/watermarks ( page number stamp, adding text in headers and footers etc.)
  • Work with PDF attachments
  • Work with bookmarks
  • Work with annotations
  • Manipulate PDF forms

Working with Aspose.Pdf for Android

Aspose.Pdf for Android is available as a JAR file that you include it in the Android application’s class path, as you reference other product assemblies. In order to create Android applications, use any supported IDE. We recommend using Eclipse due to its pre-configured ADT bundle pack. To help you get started using Aspose.Pdf for Android, we have created a complete documentation with a large amount of articles describing the different features and functions offered by this component. For further details, please visit Programmers Guide.

Limitations in the Current Release

There are a few limitations in the first release of Aspose.Pdf for Android. We are working to eliminate these issues from our product.

  • PDF to image rendering
  • Inserting an image into PDF files
  • Extracting an image from PDF files
  • The text replace feature is causing issues in some cases
  • PDF to DOC conversion is not supported
  • PDF to PDF/A-1a is not supported
  • Adding an image or text as a watermark is causing issues

Please visit the official webpage of Aspose.Pdf for Android to get further details about this component.