Delete contacts from Exchange Server and create distribution lists with Aspose.Email for .NET 3.0

Aspose.Email for JavaWe are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 3.0.0 which includes a number of new features and bug fixes.

Adding and retrieving MapiContacts to/from Exchange server using ExchangeWebService has been part of our API for some time. This month’s release introduces a new feature for deleting contacts from an Exchange Server using EWS.

Microsoft Outlook offers capability to create contacts distribution lists in a PST. This feature was lagging in our API until this month’s release. We are pleased to share that creating and reading distribution lists in PST is now supported by Aspose.Email. Users can access contact distribution lists from the contacts folder with a check on the message class which should be IPM.DistList. In addition, this version also enables users to create a new MapiNote from scratch rather than loading existing MapiNote objects.

This month’s release also includes some important bug fixes related to EWS, email to MHTML and TIFF conversions, email formatting, creating tasks in the delegate folder, and encoding/decoding message bodies while adding/extracting messages from a PST.

To get further details about what’s new & fixed, read the release notes on the Aspose.Email for Java release page.