Getting People Together: Sponsoring DDD East Anglia

So far this year we have sponsored a number of user groups and conferences in the Americas, Asia and Europe. We’re can now announce that we’re also sponsoring DDD East Anglia this summer.

DDD East Anglia logo

Vote for Sessions

DDD East Anglia takes place in Cambridge on June 29th, 2013, at the Hauser Forum. The event is free to participants and takes place at the weekend so that anyone can attend. Anyone can suggest a session for the event and which sessions are included is decided by voting. Session voting is open until May 24. If you’re considering attending the event, vote for your favorite sessions and let the organizers know what you are interested in.

DDD – for the Community, by the Community

DDD stands for Developer! Developer! Developer! and follows five principles. The first one, in particular, speaks to us: for the community, by the community. DDD events are free and held on a non-work day  so that anyone can attend. They also aim to grow the local speaker community with sessions prepared by developers for developers. Letting people submit topics and then asking the community to vote for the sessions they are interested in reflects this ethos.

Aspose are delighted to support DDD East Anglia and hope that speakers and attendees have an informative day.