Writing updated data back to Microsoft Project 2013 MPP files with Aspose.Tasks

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 5.2.0. This month’s release includes a number of enhancements as well as bug fixes.

With this month’s release, we are glad to share that Aspose.Tasks now supports writing updated data back to 2013 MPP files. This includes writing updated Calendar data, task data, task link data, resource data, resource assignment data, outline codes and extended attributes back to 2013 MPP files.

This month’s release also includes a new feature of rendering Project data to pre-defined page sizes. This includes Ao, A1, A2, A3, A4, Ledger and Letter size pages.

In addition, this latest version also includes some enhancements  such as ability to increase row heights for auto-adjusting a cell’s contents and reading fixed cost values from 2010 MPP format.

For more details on new features and bug fixes, please visit the Product Release page.