Set Print Job Name while Printing Files and Improved RTL Language Support in Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.1

Aspose.Cells logoAspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.1 has been released. This month’s release includes support for setting Print job while printing Excel files. We have enhanced the RTL (Right to Left) language support when rendering to PDF, TIFF, HTML, etc. A number of bug fixes are also included in this release. This release is also a maintenance release where several important issues have been fixed. Many issues around reading and writing spreadsheets or other files (XLS, XLSX, HTML, etc.), rendering shapes, copying conditional formatting, apply formatting, rendering PivotTables and exporting to PDF and HTML have been resolved. Issues pertaining to charts and the formula calculation engine have also been corrected in this release.

We have made a few enhancements to the web-based Grid control provided by Aspose.Cells for .NET. For example, you may use Show Formulas feature in GridWeb. It also includes OnCellSelected server side event for your needs. We have successfully tested GridWeb control on Windows Azure application. We have also fixed some issues regarding performance and formulas accordingly.

To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.1, please visit the download page.