Saaspose February 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2013 edition of the Saaspose Newsletter. This newsletter highlights the information about latest updates in APIs, exciting new features and the informative blogs. Keep your fingers crossed for the useful tips revealed in “Tip of the Month” section.


Tip of the Month: Saaspose SDK is Available for Android

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions that help us improve our services for a better experience of document manipulation. We have recently released Saaspose SDK for Android to facilitate the Android developers around the world. Now you can enjoy a variety of features for document manipulation in the cloud. For instance, using Saaspose APIs, you can extract text from documents, calculate formula in worksheets, convert PDF to images, extract images and slides from presentations and perform many such operations on the documents in your Android applications. You can integrate the features in your applications through simple steps, all you need to do is download the required SDK and enjoy using a variety of features for your document processing requirements. Stay tuned to our blog, and newsletter for latest updates on Android SDKs and the release announcements.

Best of Saaspose API Blogs

Stay tuned with the recent updates, features and announcements of Saaspose APIs through Saaspose Blog.


Latest From the Documentation

During the month of January 2013, we have added many examples for various features of Saaspose file format APIs in our documentation. These examples have been added in Saaspose.Words, Saapose.Cells, Saaspose.OCR and Saaspose.Pdf. You can utilize these examples in Python, Ruby and PHP to incorporate features in your applications such as protect documents, extract text from images. sort worksheet data, create PDFs from HTML templates etc. You may view a complete list of examples for each API in the following announcement posts:



Saaspose API SDK Updates

During the month of January 2013, we have introduced new features in our SDKs for different programming languages like Ruby and Python. There is a list of features available for each API on Github and you can download the required SDK. There are few improvements made in Saaspose.Cells and new features have been added in Saaspose.Pdf. For more details, you may refer to the following announcement: