Yearly Archives: 2012

Pharmacode, SCC14 and Databar Barcode Symbologies Support Added with the Autoported Version of Aspose.BarCode for Java 5.0.0

Aspose.BarCode logoAspose.BarCode for Java 5.0.0 has been released. We are pleased to announce that the new release by porting all the features from the current version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET 5.0.0 has introduced some great new features, enhancements to existing features and resolutions to a number of reported issues. From now on, the .NET and Java versions of Aspose.BarCode will stay synchronized so that our Java users will not have to wait for feature that our .NET users already have.

This … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Irisnote accomplished MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint Conversion to PDF using APIs

About Irisnote

irisnote company logo

The goal of irisnote has been to provide an electronic notebook that empowers researchers and scientists today by accelerating discovery, eliminating experiment replication, and codifying institutional knowledge – all within a compliant environment.


irisnote looked for a scalable, efficient solution for converting between various document formats. The technology team at irisnote has been preparing products that allow internal and external users to collaborate on research and accelerate discovery. The solution being built allowed internal groups who had … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Total, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Introduction to the Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 API

Aspose.Slides icon

In my previous post, I announced a new release of Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 and briefly touched on some of the new features in the API. This post elaborates on some of the new features and changes in Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0.

API versions prior to Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 were developed in parallel with Aspose.Slides for .NET. So the API’s were different in terms of functionality. A few months back we decided to develop Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family | Tagged , , , , , ,

New Fields and Reporting Features in Aspose.Words 11.9.0

We have just released this month’s improvements to Aspose.Words for .NET and Java. This month’s release includes numerous improvements to many areas of our components as well as many new exciting features.

You can immediately download our latest Aspose.Words release from the following links:

Throughout October we have added a number of interesting features to the fields and reporting area which are explained in detail below.

ASK and FILLIN Fields

ASK and FILLIN … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Aspose.Cells for JasperReports 1.1.2 includes support for JasperReports 4.0, 4.5 and 4.7

Aspose.Cells logoWe have published Aspose.Cells for JasperReports 1.1.2.

In this latest version, we have added support for JasperReports 4.0, 4.5 and 4.7. We have also fixed some internal bugs and made other fixes.

To download Aspose.Cells for JasperReports 1.1.2, go to the download page.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged , ,

Format Appointments using Aspose.Email for Java 2.3.0

Aspose.Email for Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 2.3.0.  This release includes an enhancement feature that lets you format Appointment objects.  In addition to the new feature and enhancements, the release also includes a number of important bug fixes.

To get further details about what’s new & fixed, read the release notes by visiting the Aspose.Email for Java release page.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family | Tagged , , ,

November 2012 Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2012 edition of the Saaspose Newsletter. This newsletter highlights the information about latest updates in APIs, exciting new features and the informative blogs. Keep your fingers crossed for the useful tip revealed in “Tip of the Month” section.
Tip of the Month: Enjoy improved customer support for Saaspose APIs Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas while using Saaspose APIs or you are just gearing up to get started with Saaspose APIs? With our
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Announcing Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 with chart & Smart Art rendering, printing and PPT to PPTX conversion support

Aspose.Slides icon

We proudly present the long awaited version of Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0, developed by autoporting all the features from Aspose.Slides for .NET.

Now, Aspose.Slides for .NET and Aspose.Slides for Java are comparable in terms of features. Many new features have been included in the release of Aspose.Slides for Java:  features like printing presentations, chart rendering, SmartArt rendering and PPT/ODP to PPTX conversion, for example. To find out what features the Aspose.Slides for Java API now offers, read the Features Overview.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Aspose newsletter, November 2012

Aspose newsletter header

Spotlight on File Conversion

Last month, we launched Aspose.Imaging for Java with a newsletter themed around working with images. This month, our theme is file conversion.

File conversion is only one of the many tasks our tools can help developers perform, but it is an important one. Do you need to process forms submitted as Microsoft Word documents, extract data and archive the original document as a PDF, complete with a barcode for tracking? Or maybe build flexible slide stacks

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 11月

Aspose newsletter header


先月のニュースレターでは、イメージ ファイルを処理する新製品として Aspose.Image for Java 製品を紹介しました。今月のニュースレターでは、Aspose のファイル変換機能を紹介します。

ファイル変換は、Aspose 製品が提供する多くの機能の一つに過ぎませんが、開発者にとっては、役に立つ重要な機能の一つです。Microsoft Word ドキュメントとして送信したフォームを処理したり、PDF からデータを抽出したり、PDF としてオリジナルのドキュメントをアーカイブしたり、トラッキング用にバーコードを埋め込む必要がありますか? または Microsoft PowerPoint プレゼンテーション用にフレキシブルなスライドのスタックをビルドする必要がありますか? データベースからデータを抽出してレポートを作成したり、Microsoft Excel スプレッドシートで計算式を実行したり、インターネットにチャートを配置しますか? Aspose 製品では、これらすべてのタスクの実現に役立つ機能を提供しています。Aspose 製品のお客様からは、Aspose 製品を使用してこのような複雑なタスクを実装しているとのフィードバックをいただいています。多くの場合、ファイル変換機能は、一役を担うものです。以下、サンプルやヒントなどを紹介していますので、皆さんの開発業務に役立てていただければと思います。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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