Welcome to the September 2012 edition of the Saaspose Newsletter. This newsletter highlights the information about latest updates in APIs, exciting new features and the informative blogs. Keep your fingers crossed for the useful tip revealed in “Tip of the Month” section.Tip of the Month: Invitation to Get Involved In Beta Release of Heroku Add-On We’re very much excited to share a good news with Heroku lovers! As Saaspose is a platform and language independent REST API, we want to make sure that we provide examples, SDKs, add-ons, and plug-ins for your favorite language and platform. Our team has been working to integrate our REST API with Heroku and creating Heroku add-on to get you started with this platform. We have created different examples for Java, Ruby and Python for now. You can also download the source code of these examples from Github:
Heroku Examples for Ruby
Heroku Examples for Java
Heroku Examples for Python
Our team has put a great deal of effort into bringing this add-on up quickly along with simple getting started documentation and examples etc. Now, we welcome all of you to be part of it during the beta stage. As you understand, we’ll have to invite interested users to be part of this beta release. So, if you want to get involved and peek into our Heroku add-on before it goes public, please send us an email at support@saaspose.com with the title ‘Invitation for Heroku Add-On’, and we’ll send you an invitation. Best of Saaspose API Blogs
Latest From the Documentation We have added many examples for various features of Saaspose File Format APIs in our documentation during the month of August. We have added various features to these file format APIs such as Saaspose.Pdf and Saaspose.Slides. These features include execute mail merge template, add watermark text and image, create PDF from XML, replace text in a slide etc. You may view a complete list of examples for each API in the following announcement posts:
Saaspose API SDK Updates We have introduced features in our SDK for Java during the month of August 2012. There is a list of features available for each API on Github and you can download the required SDK. These new features are added in Saaspose.Slides REST API. These updates include a set of features for replacing text in PowerPoint documents. For more details, you may refer to the following announcement: